Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Book

I'm back!  I took some time off because I was working on a book for Packt Publishing.  It took longer than I expected, so I am excited that it is finally done and in stores.  I have links on the left to the print and Kindle version although the print is a pre-order as the book has not been printed yet.  I hope you guys like the book--since it is my first book, I'm a bit nervous about how it will be received, but I think people that want a ShiVa3D introduction will find it useful.  It's a micro-book, so it weighs in at just over 160 pages, but the good news is that the list price is only $24.99.  Take a look and let me know what you think! 

Expect more content here and on my You-Tube channel as I finally finish up the project I started way back when.


  1. Nice work Wade, i bought it with a lot of Blender ebooks bundle!

    I will read it very soon and i will tell you my opinion.

    Thanks very much!

  2. Hey Wade,

    I bought it as well :)

    Once I've finished the book I'm currently reading, I'll start on yours and let you know what I think



  3. Hi Wade,
    i bought it too... it's a fantasitc ShiVa book for beginners. Thank you for the work! When have you started working on it? I'm curious because I proposed a ShiVa book to PacktPub a view month ago... ans now it's available. It's magic :)

  4. Just one more thing: More youtube videos would be great...
    Keep it up!!!

  5. Thanks guys!! It means a lot to me. Sometimes while working on the book I wondered if it would be worth the effort, but if you find it useful then it's definitely worth it.

    I worked on the book for most of the year so it is a coincidence that it came out so soon after you requested it =)

    As far as videos go, I have been trying to get back into the swing of things but can't seem to get motivated to continue the old videos. I'm currently thinking of a new project that will be a bit quicker to finish so I will be more likely to get the entire thing finished.

  6. Thanks for the book, which I bought and have started reading. It is very interesting. But I have a question. Is the downloadable content available (or could it be made available) in another format than the ShiVa Archive (*.ste) files in the zip file that comes with the e-book? The reason that I ask is that the archive files contains finished models and scenes for each chapter of the book, which means that many steps described in the book cannot be performed (like importing models and adjusting materials, as described in the first chapter, for example).

  7. Hi Tracy

    Very nice book, I like the way you explain things, very structured and loads of information. One thing though, there is a HUGE problem with the book code, you can never follow along with the book by importing the objects because they are not there! The only thing in the Zip file are the STE.

    As a start I had to create the models from scratch. After a few days of using Shiva I realized that you you can export the object from the STE and then import them back to your own project, it's a messy way since all sort of stuff comes with it.

    Is there any way you can upload the clean Collada files to PacketPub site? Thanks mate

    Cheers and Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks for the feedback and sorry it has taken me so long to reply--in addition to the holiday I have been moving my family to a new house. I apologize that the material was not included with the downloadable material--it was my understanding that it would be since I provided that material to Packt Publishing. I will check into it.

  8. Hi Wade,

    Just finished the book (bit more professional than mine :)), and all I can say is "Great job, it does exactly what is says on the tin!!!"

    I even picked up a couple of things that I didn't know!

    All the best


    1. Shando! Thanks for the feedback! Your book was instrumental in my Shiva learning, so thank you for your efforts. I have been worried what the pro Shiva users would think of the book, so thank you for your comment!

  9. Great to see you active on the blog again. I bought your book and I am very happy with it. And your tutorials are great. Keep up the good work. (Hopefully Shivas future will be ok. )

  10. Hi Wade. I am interested in reading your book. My name is Jose Antonio and i need some kind of help about Shiva. I 'm a student and i try to find information and help to develop an architecture about shiva3D. In order to explain it briefly, it's about an architectural baseline for educational applications developed on Shiva3D. I hope you can help me in my research. The study I'm doing aim to my diploma thesis. I count on your help. thanks in advance.

  11. Great book, man! It helped me a lot as a newbie. Please come back to ShiVa 3D, we now have 1.9.2 stable and 2.0 beta available. Cheers!
