Saturday, May 7, 2011


Welcome to the Indie Games Development blog - home of Subspace Games.  Subspace Games consists of a single person - me.  I wanted to start a blog that would follow the game development process from start to finish.  I think it will be a good opportunity to learn a lot about making games because there is a lot that I don't know myself.  As I hit obstacles, I will explain the problem I had and how I went about solving it.  I have actually done some work on the game already, so I will have some catching up to do.  The work I have already done is also what has inspired me to start this blog because as I have been looking for information, it has been very difficult to find sources of information that didn't assume I was already a genius or they explained a very simple concept but failed to show how it applied to the bigger picture.  Hopefully I will be able to do a good job of explaining very basic concepts and then integrating them into a finished game.

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